To sum up, the crusher is a system that converts cars into bullets.
- it can only be hired by families
- it lasts for 24 hours
- only one crusher can be hired each time
- if the car limit is reached, you can not crush any more cars, still, the crusher will be up during it's 24 hours span
- you can crush cars in any city
- you can only crush cars in the same city you're at
Car limit
- 750 - $ 1,000,000
- 1500 - $ 3,000,000
- 3000 - $ 5,000,000
- 5000 - $ 15,000,000
Bullets per car
- 5 - $ 1,000,000
- 8 - $ 3,000,000
- 12 - $ 5,000,000
- 13 - $ 15,000,000
Thanks to nuku (awp) for this short explanation.
HPs are welcomed!